“My Willamette Writers.” Willamette Writers Web Site. Oct. 2023 “Our Oldest Friends Know Our Youngest Hearts: A Note on Life, Death, and Characterization” Shadow Spinners Press. May, 2023 "Mistakes of Progress vs. Mistakes of Avoidance" Shadow Spinners Press. March. 2023 "Ghost Story Weekend" Shadow Spinners Press. October. 2022 "Strange, Charmed, Truth, Beauty, and Useful..." Shadow Spinners Press. August. 2022 "The Day I Learned to Write" Shadow Spinners Press. July. 2022 "The Writer's Sacrifices." Shadow Spinners Press. March. 2022 "Karmic Writing: Doing Becomes." Shadow Spinners Press. Dec. 2021 "Cancelling Art from the Edge." Shadow Spinners Press. Sept. 2021 "Ghost Story or Scary Story." Shadow Spinners Press. 2021 "Gifts to Humanity." Shadow Spinners Press. 2021 "Beginners and Experts Check All The Boxes." Shadow Spinners Press. 2021 "Mindfulness, 100 Days of Starting." Shadow Spinners Press. 2020 "Old Hopes, Gold Stars, and Daily Lights." Shadow Spinners Press. 2020 "The Hashtag, Mr. Griffin, and the Magic Metolius River" Shadow Spinners Press. 2020 "The Enlightened Assassin's Agenda." Shadow Spinners Press. 2020 "Be Writing." Shadow Spinners Press. 2020 "A Holiday Story." Shadow Spinners Press. 2019 "Brains Don't Do Random." Shadow Spinners Press. 2019 "Karmic Law for Becoming Writers." Shadow Spinners Press. 2019 "Some Opportunities Make You Crazy." Shadow Spinners Press. 2019 "How to Get Rich Selling a Novel to a Major Publisher, 2000 vs. 2019," Shadow Spinners Press, Apr. 2019 "The Cyclic Deteriorating Fallacy of Personal Experience," Shadow Spinners Press, Feb. 2019 "A Murder of Writers or a Writing Community?" Shadow Spinners Press, Jan. 2019 "Critical Thinking and the Noogie Man," Shadow Spinners Press, Nov. 2018 "Surprise and The Ah-Ha Moment," Shadow Spinners Press, Sept. 2018 "State of the Art," Shadow Spinners Press, Aug. 2018 "What Did You Win, Eric?" Shadow Spinners Press, Jun. 2018 "Success Sickness," Shadow Spinners Press, Apr. 2018 "Reconciling Fiction Techniques in Memoir," Shadow Spinners Press, Feb. 2018 "Reader Experience of Character," Shadow Spinners Press, Jan. 2018 "Three Lessons in Writing from a Blind Dog," Shadow Spinners Press, Nov. 2017 "Buying Craft at Conferences," Shadow Spinners Press, Oct. 2017. "Because Because," Shadow Spinners Press. July, 2017. "Burn the Scarecrow to Keep the Reader Awake All Night," Shadow Spinners Press. May, 2017 "Fiction and Viktor Frankl," Shadow Spinners Press. March, 2017. "Our Stories Can Save Us," Shadow Spinners Press. Jan., 2017. "Finding Pine Martens," Shadow Spinners Press, Dec. 2016. "Creativity and Brain Hacks" Shadow Spinners Press. 2016. "Sentence to Paragraph, Episode #2: An Interview with Author Eric Witchey." Podcast. Sentence to Paragraph, 2016. Web. Evans, Darryl Lynne, and Stegall, James. “How Do I Pitch MY Genre?" Shadow Spinners Press. 2016. “How to be a Writer, 'Sort of'".” Shadow Spinners Press. 2016. “The Story Shaman’s Gift.” Shadow Spinners Press. 2016. “OMG! Story is Fractal!” Shadow Spinners Press. 2016. “10 Eric Witchey.” Interviewed by Jennifer Roland. 10 Takes: Pacific Northwest Writers, Perspectives on Writing. GladEye Press. August, 2015. “Writers Talk to Strangers.” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015. “Create the Narrative that Creates Our Future.” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015. “Tales and the Walk-by Hugging.” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015. “Bats, Bushes, and Barbless Hooks.” Anthology, UK. 2015 “Realerism: Why Does this Story Feel More Real than That One?” Write on the Sound Conference Web Site. 2015 “Uniquely Normal is Not Broken: My Best Brain Hack.” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015 “Tell a Story; Change the World.” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015 “The Monte Carlo Process” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015 “What the Hell is Subtext?” Shadow Spinners Press. 2015 “Realerism: Why Does this Story Feel More Real than That One?” Shadow Spinners Press. 2014 “What’s the Difference Between a Story in One Genre and Another?” Shadow Spinners Press. 2014 “Can I Keep My Rhetorical Questions?” Shadow Spinners Press. 2014 “Making Waves with Particles” Shadow Spinners Press. 2014 "Discussion of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." KMUZ Radio Interview. Feb. 23, 2014. 3pm. "Can I Keep my Rhetorical Questions?" Shadow Spinners Press, 2014. "Fish Every Cast." Shadow Spinners Press, 2014. "Whose Ride is It?" Shadow Spinners Press, 2013. "Living with the Gap: or, Embrace the Suck." Shadow Spinners Press, 2013. "My Hero's Journey is between the Coffee Pot and the Keyboard." Shadow Spinners Press, 2013. "The Horror of the Norm." Shadow Spinners Press, 2013. “Extreme Characterization.” Print How To: The Writer Magazine. Oct. 2011. “Teun VanDijkt, Walter Kintsch, and Bizzaro Tales” An essay on why the Bizzaro fiction experiments work. Bizzaro Fiction Anthology. June. 2010 “Enriching Characterization with Similes, Metaphors, and Symbols.” Print How To: The Writer Magazine. Oct. 2010 Willamette Writers Email Newsletter: Writing Tip: "Examining Emotional Links between Characters and the Reader." June, 2010. TripleTree Press Monthly Newsletter: "Anatomy of a Scene." Dec. 2009 TripleTree Press Monthly Newsletter: "Conflict." Nov. 2009 TripleTree Press Monthly Newsletter: "Interpreting Setting." Oct. 2009 "The Key to Character-driven Stories." Writer's Digest Guide to Creativity. Sept. 2009. TripleTree Press Monthly Newsletter: "Choosing Between First and Third." Sept., 2009 TripleTree Press Monthly Newsletter: "Third Person Usage." August, 2009 TripleTree Press Monthly Newsletter: "First Person Usage." July, 2009 Willamette Writers Email Newsletter: Writing Tip: "Examining Emotional Links between Characters and the Reader." January, 2009. The Writer Magazine: Print How To -- "Turn Vague Critiques into Sharp Revisions." January, 2009. The Writer Magazine web site: "The Care and Feeding of a High-functioning Critique Group." December, 2008. The Writer Magazine: Print How To -- "Exploit Your Clichés." September, 2008. The Writer Magazine: Print How To -- "Emotion-Driven Fiction." September, 2007. Northwest Ink: Print How To -- "Exploiting Rhetorical Questions." Fall, 2005. Writer's Digest Magazine: Print How To -- "The Logic of Emotion" July, 2005. Clarion West Newsletter: Print How To -- "Party Your Way to Publication: How to Host a Parallel Play Party" June, 2005. Northwest Ink: Print How To -- "Hosting a Tales in the Mail Party." Spring, 2004. Idaho Sisters In Crime: Print How To – "Voice." Part of the Toolbox series. Jan. 04. Northwest Ink: Print How To – "Passive Language vs. Passive Voice." Part of the Turning Bad Critiques into Good Revisions series. Nov. 03. Writers of the Future Harold; June 30th, 2004. Issue 9. The Machine in Eugene -- a history of the Wordos in Writers of the Future. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Terry Brooks', Sometimes the Magic Works. Nexus Newsletter: "Indirect Dialog" – an example of the power of indirect dialog in conflict to reveal character and create tension. Northwest Ink: Author's Toolbox – "What Goes First Comes First." Tools for creative writing. Northwest Ink: Author's Toolbox – "Indirect Dialog" Tools for creative writing. Northwest Ink: Author's Toolbox – Examples of a method of characterizing concepts and tools for creative writing in order to internalize the concepts or tools. TaleBones Magazine: Review of Ray Vukcevich's Collection, Welcome to the Moon Room. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Bruce Holland Roger's Collection, Wind Over Heaven. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Bruce Holland Roger's Collection, Flaming Arrows. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Ray Vukcevich's Collection, Welcome to the Moon Room. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Ray Vukcevich's Collection, Welcome to the Moon Room. Pacific Northwest Writers Association Newsletter: Article, “Is Your Critique Group Working for You?” Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Article, “Wordos Stories In-Print.” Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Article, “Wordos Awards.” TaleBones Magazine: Review of Leslie What's short story collection, Sweet and Sour Tongue. TaleBones Magazine: Review of Kay Kenyon's novel, Tropic of Creation. TaleBones Magazine: Review of Jerry Oltion's novel, Abandon in Place. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Leslie What's short story collection, Sweet and Sour Tongue. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Kay Kenyon's novel, Tropic of Creation. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Jerry Oltion's novel, Abandon in Place. Oregon Writer's Colony ColonyGram: Interview with Nebula Winner, Leslie What. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Ray Vukcevich's novel, Man of Maybe Half a Dozen Faces. Writer’s Northwest Magazine: Review of Kay Kenyon’s novel, Rift. Writer's Northwest Magazine: Interview with Steve Perry. Writer's Northwest Magazine: Interview with Elizabeth DeVoss. Writer's Northwest Magazine: Article, "The Clarion West Experience." Writer's Northwest Magazine: Article on writing process, "Whose Story Is It?" Writer's Northwest Handbook, Blue Heron Press: Article, "Creating and Managing Critique Groups." Oregon Writer's Colony ColonyGram: Misc. articles on grammar and usage in fiction. Colorado State University Press: The Presentation of Fiction in the Computer Medium; 1988, 140 pp.